
(a selection)

Upcoming talks

Modelling constructional schematicity using nested random effects, 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, 21–24 August, University of Helsinki

Idiosyncratic entrenchment and linguistic individuality: Case studies of an online blog community (invited), lecture series “Online Selves - Self Online (OSSO)” hosted by Daria Dayter (Tampere University) and Sofia Rüdiger (University of Bayreuth), 23 October


Individual variation in perceptual and usage-based chunking (invited), Distinguished Speakers in Language Science Colloquium, 13 June, Saarland University, Germany

Chunking and reanalysis at the individual level, 45th ICAME Conference, 18–22 June, University of Vigo, Spain

Perceptual chunking of spontaneous speech (poster), Highlights in the Language Sciences Conference 2024, 8–11 July, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Как мы воспринимаем речь? [How do we process speech?] (invited), podcast Эффект Наблюдателя [Observer Effect], 29 February, episode 59


Perceptual chunking of spontaneous speech: What can we learn from neuroscience? (invited), Langnet Winter School , University of Helsinki

Disciplinary community as a complex adaptive system, Perspectives on Science seminar , TINT Centre for Philosophy of Social Science, 16 October, University of Helsinki

Disciplinary communities: contact, variation and change, Helsinki Diversity Linguistics Group (HALS) meeting, 29 September, University of Helsinki

Chunking up speech in real-time: Linguistic predictors and cognitive constraints, Boğaziçi University

Exploring individual variation in constructional schematicity with mixed models, ICCG12, Prague

Exploring individual variation in constructional schematicity with mixed models, Corpus Linguistics, Lancaster

Perceptual chunking of spontaneous speech: Linguistic cues and cognitive constraints, ICLC, Dusseldorf


Linguistic predictors and cognitive constraints of perceptual chunking, AFinLa, Helsinki

Chunking up speech in real-time: Linguistic predictors and cognitive constraints (poster), AMLaP 28, York

Estimating chunking ability of L2 listeners and ’chunkability’ of speech, SALC8, Turku

Chunking at the individuel level, ICAME 43, Cambridge


with Maria Khachaturyan and Maria Kuteeva, What’s a language error? Kollegium talks at Think Corner, University of Helsinki

Individual differences in chunk boundary perception, AILA World Congress 19, Groningen (virtual)

Does chunking behaviour reflect understanding? ChunkitApp and its potential applications in language education, #YouthMediaLife2021, Vienna (virtual)


with Anna Mauranen, Modelling chunking in online speech processing (poster), AMLaP 23, Lancaster

with Anna Mauranen and Nina Mikušová, ChunkitApp: Investigating the relevant units of online speech processing (demonstration), INTERSPEECH 2017, Stockholm

with Anna Mauranen, Chunks in which we process speech, ICLC 14, Tartu

with Anna Mauranen, Chunking - the cognitive basis of a dynamic grammar, AAAL, Portland


Properties of individual languages: The case of L2 users, EUROSLA 26, Jyväskylä

On gradience of constituent structure: Evidence from word association responses, UK CLC 6, Bangor


What can a cognitive corpus tell us about grammar as an emergent property of language at the communal level? From data to evidence: Big Data, Rich Data, Uncharted Data, Helsinki

L2 phraseology: An exception or the norm? BAAL, Birmingham

ELF from a complex adaptive system perspective, Changing English: Integrating cognitive, social & typological perspectives (ChangE 2015), Helsinki

with Anni Sairio, The English texts of an 18th-century Armenian officer and a 21st-century Czech blogger: a comparative corpus analysis of historical and present-day L2 English, Changing English: Integrating cognitive, social & typological perspectives (ChangE 2015), Helsinki


Approximation, re-metaphorisation and idiomatising in ELF phraseological patterning: Looking for the point of contact, ELF7, Athens


Multi-word units in second language acquisition and use: Evidence from concgramming, ICAME33, Leuven


Semantic prosody as a communicative function of a unit of meaning, Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham